Trading and Using $HAWK
1. How can I trade $HAWK tokens?
$HAWK tokens are tradable on the official liquidity pool on Meteora. You can swap $HAWK for other cryptocurrencies or vice versa.
Tip: Always check the token contract address to avoid scams. The official $HAWK token is only on the Solana blockchain with contract address:
2. Do I need SOL (Solana) to claim or trade $HAWK?
Yes, you'll need SOL in your wallet to pay for transaction fees when trading $HAWK tokens.
3. How do I get SOL in my wallet?
You can purchase SOL from major cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken and transfer it to your Solana wallet.
4. How do I trade the $HAWK received from token claim?
Existing Solana Wallet - simply head to our official liquidity pool on Meteora, and connect wallet to trade.
Embedded wallet - options to transfer tokens or export wallet will be released in the near future.
Last updated